
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Easy Energy Saving Costs

It is official Winter is upon us, after having a moderately mild fall other than our visit from Hurricane Sandy mother nature has reminded us that we are very much into winter.   In today's economy we are all trying to find ways to save a little where we can so I decided to write a blog about some simple tips to save some money on your heating bills.  These are all low or no cost ways so it is great for those who are not looking to invest in a whole new heating system because they are selling the home  or perhaps just renting ! 

Give Your Room A New Look

  • Many people switch curtains come the winter time to a heavier fabric, which is obviously a good idea you should also take advantage of the daylight sun still being able to provide some heat.  I will give you a quick example, I have very large windows and doors in my home specifically from my dining room into my living room.  Instead of putting 4 heavy panels on each I use 2 on each end, and leave sheers on the middle which allows the heat from the sun to get into these rooms during the daytime.  
  • Another easy way is to move around your furniture, instead of just pulling the furniture a few inches away from the radiators or vents spend the time and rearrange the space. Actually moving the large furniture like sofas or beds that are nearby allow the heat to radiate freely and remember this is only temporary so it may not work all year round but this is temporary !   
  • If your home has bare floors like wood or tile, invest in a few throw rugs to put down they can add a bit of style and they help make things a little bit cozier if you decide to keep your thermostat at a lower temperature ! 
  • Light a fire ! Well if you don't have an actual fireplace that can be a bit hard to do but there are some great inexpensive faux fireplaces that take up little space, but can produce a great amount of heat if one room just gets a bit chilly ! The other great thing is that they don't require a complicated installation and you can take them with you onto your next home.   There are a variety of kinds from ones that look similar to a flat screen TV complete with crackling wood sounds & remote to large wooden ones with mantles ! 


Give Your Heating System A Once Over
  • One of the most overlooked parts of your heating system is often the air filter, it is a good thing to change periodically and if your in a rental most landlords will be happy to either allow you to change it or do it themselves.  You should also take a look around and make sure there are no leaks where the joints are meeting this is something that is very important for those who have forced hot air/CAC units that run through attics and basements.  
  • Change out your thermostat to a programmable one or even a simple upgrade to a digital can help you be aware of how high your heat actually is.  I am very guilty of getting a bit chilly and turning up my thermostat and going just a little bit farther than I thought because I have the older "dial" thermostat.  The newer digital thermostats can also be programmable so the heat will go up once it is closer to the time when you will actually be using it.  
  • Check what temperature your hot water heater, often times we don't even realize what this is set at but 120 degrees is the best place for it to be.  
  • Look at the average temperature you keep your thermostat on, if you lower it 1 degree it can save you between 1% - 3% less fuel, as well as heating costs.  Another way is to actually leave your heat on one temperature lowering your heat drastically when your not home and than hiking it back up can often times cost more because of how high you raise it to "get rid of the chill" 

These are just a few of the easy ways to save a few bucks and keep a bit warmer on these chilly nights ! 


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