The blogs Tips On Finding Your Dream Home or The First Steps To Finding Your New Home are helpful for those buyers who are just starting out, they have not been looking for very long and may still be unsure of what kind of home they are looking for and what steps they need to take to get things rolling.
The key points of this blog are:
- Buyer Brokerage
- Mortgage Pre-Approvals
- Your Wants VS Your Need
- Organization Tips
All of these blogs are very important, but this blog on Relocating & Choosing The Neighborhood That Is Right For You is not necessarily important for every buyer. For someone who has lived in 1 specific community their entire life sometimes moving only 1 town over can lead to some uncertainty.
The key points of this blog are:
- South Shore Community Overview
- Helping You Decide On Where & When To Limit Your Options
- How To Use Technology To Ease Relocation
- Coldwell Banker Concierge Services
Steps To Getting An Accepted Offer is actually separated into 2 blogs, because of today's market their are many terms and processes that you need to be familiar with before you place an offer at all.
Blog 1 of 2 outlines the many different kind of homes are for sale, and what you should be considering when placing an offer on a home.
The kind of homes this reviews are:
- Short Sales
- Foreclosure Sales
- Estate Sales
- Investment Sales
Blog 2 outlines the 3 different categories a home falls into as far as pricing category, and what way of bidding will help get you an accepted offer quickly. Knowing and understanding how the home is positioned in the market can be the difference between getting an offer accepted or losing your dream home.
- Overpriced
- Market Value
- Under Valued
My most recent blog is about What Do You Offer For All That House, and this is a blog everyone whether you are a first time home-buyer or it is your 5th home you should take the time to read !! We were in such an inflated market that many homeowners are finding it very hard to take the loss on their homes, but nothing is more insulting to a home seller than a buyer not recognizing a value, or comparing them to homes that are not the same !
The key points here explain:
- New Homes VS Updated Homes
- Features & Values
- Main Roads VS Busy Residential Area
- Pricing For Additional Rooms & Values
- Legal Addition VS Illegal Additions
I will begin writing additional blogs about what happens after your offer is accepted, and what you need to do to prepare for closing on your new home. If you have any questions and they were not covered in one of my blog please feel free to email me directly or comment and I will be sure to answer your within 24 hours !!
Great resource! Certainly, a well-informed homebuyer is always more apt to make wise financial choices. In case you're unsure about the soundness of your decision when it comes to mortgage matters, get proper advice from a mortgage professional. This will make the difference between spending and saving thousands of dollars over the full term of your loan.